七哥电影网为您提供2019年由杰齐贝尔·阿纳特,罗纳德·布兰顿,克里斯托弗·布洛菲,Christopher Carey,David Coppa,Kayla Coppa,Ryan Cruce,Adam Facey,Kelly Forbes,Charlie Gabel,Stephen Gilliam,John H. Greene,Barry W. Jerald Jr.,Catherine Jerald,Zachary King主演,克里斯多夫·福布斯导演的《灰狗攻击》电影在线观看,《灰狗攻击》高清完整版在线播放,《灰狗攻击》高清mp4迅雷下载,希望您能喜欢!
In the early days of WWII, an international convoy of 37 Allied ships, led by captain Ernest Krause in his first command of a U.S. destroyer, crosses the treacherous North Atlantic while hotly pursued by wolf packs of Nazi U-boats.